Three faces of Gaia and embodiments of the Sacred Feminine. Harvest Mothers celebrated during Vinotok, Crested Butte's week-long Autumn Fire Festival. That which we love, loves us. During this winter celebration of love, we may or may not have a physical partner, a 2-legged lover or "Valentine." Whether we do or not, it is also a moment in the cycles of the seasons when we can celebrate our passionate partnership with our Earth Mother.
This V-Day simply make a gift to Mother Nature, to all of the souls of Life. Leave a safe offering out of doors for the Place Spirits of the Land, for the interconnection you share with all things. Recognize and recommit your heart's desire to the Love of Nature and the Nature of Love. Perhaps you will choose to renew your bond with your local home-place, the Earth, pledging your loyalty, devotion and protection. Perhaps you will take an action step to seal this pledge, and bring your relationship into a fully commited partnership with the planet. Each of us has many secret lovers, many Best Beloveds. They are as varied as the Web of Life. They are all around us in this earthly dimension, and perhaps, beyond. The wise ones say that each unique spark of the Divine has waited a 1,000 times 1,000 years for you, just you to recognize and rekindle your erotic connection to the Natural World. Love the land you steward. Marry and protect your little place of paradise on this planet. Let your Earthly passions shine in your intentions and actions. Then you will truly celebrate the entire year making love with MotherNature! -Blessings, Marcie