WELCOMING LEAF-SPRING-FORTH! Time of Seeking the Sources and Seeds of our indigenous cultures and personal ancestral teachings. New Journeys, Pilgrimages, Studies and Apprenticeships.
Thank you so very much for supporting my Soul Doctorate--and Helping me fund the project of a lifetime - Shamanic Studies in Sweden and Iceland.
I am privileged that you raised funds for me to travel and learn perennial wisdom from Scandinavian elders and culture-bearers. I will deepen my study and practice of the Viking healing ritual of Seidr, a Norse eco-spiritual practice of Calling/Seeing and Healing for the People. You made it possible for me to embark on this historical and spiritual journey through the month of June, July and over the Summer Solstice: THANK YOU! As you see from the retreats and workshops which I offer, and from the Mystery School Seminary and Community Animation certifications--I am sharing these profound, healing teachings and practices with all of you. May we spread them on the Web--far and wide! Dear Ones, Happy Imbolc and Candlemas, Feb. 2 through the Spring Equinox. Around the world shamanic practitioners are celebrating the Celtic Feast of Brigid, the Midwife, and the first whispers of new life burgeoning under the snow. This new moon welcome the light arising through the blessings of the Sacred Feminine. For more information, please read my essay and meditation, "Candlemas, Imbolc and the Teachings of the Old Ones." (www.earthwisdominstitute.org/candlemas-imbolc-and-teachings-of-the-old-ones.html or on tab listed in column to the left.)
May you be a candle in the dark.
I am grateful that you have joined me on the shared journey of honoring our Earth, Her Medicine and our own creative and healing practices.
Blessings and... be More Wild than good! --Marcie Telander