Creating Ritual and Healing~Re-Wombing
Dearest Beloved Spirit Daughters and Sisters I am inviting you to join me in loving Ritual~ PRIESTESSES OF THE WISE BLOOD, WILD WOMB: Sovereignty, Sisterhood and Sacred Moon-Womb Rites of Passage
Saturday, November 30, 2024
4:00 PM-8:00 PM
Stewart Studio723 S Ninth Street Suite 2Gunnison, CO 81230US(map)
Taking Back our Moon Magick-- Moon-stration, ChildBirth, Pari-MoonPause and MoonPause are all Wild Womb Rites of Passage. Our Yoni is our First Mouth and Voice of our primordial relationship with Mother Moon-Womb. Only women bleed and do not die. Women's Womb Ceremonies are some of the most ancient, powerful archetypal rituals of humankind, predating male blood rituals by thousands of years. On this night of the "New Moon Before Yule" we will Hearten, Heal and Howl to reclaim our ancient embodiments as Priestesses and Daughters of the Wise Blood. View Event →With Marcie Telander, MA, NLC, REAT, Wild Women of Wisdom Godmother and Guide; Elder and EcoPsychotherapist; TEDXTalk presenter; Priestess Director of Earth Wisdom Mystery School; Founder of Order of International Secular Ministers; President of East River Counseling, Inc. Every woman deserves a fiercely compassionate Godmother and wise Elder to empower, protect and promote her deepest heart desires! Now is the time for you to claim this support for your own sacred healing art and service.
We will Co-create specific ritual to honor every Age and Stage of the women in our Wisdom Circle. We will also share guided imaging, provocative writing, hands-on healing, installation of personal and group Altars and offer time for questions and answers with Marcie. We will Bless and Release with an empowering Closing Moon Ritual to launch you into your personal Priestess Path.
WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU IN YOUR MEDICINE BAG FOR OUR TIME TOGETHER: Your Sacred Journal and pen; a live flower or herb; lipstick or colored lip gloss; a hand-mirror; a special RED totem which represents your years of Moon-stration and/or Moon-pause; Birthing, Pregnancy Loss, Hysterectomy and so many more--(jewelry, ribbon, stone, feather, scarf, etc.) **Please wear something wonderful (Red and White are wonderful) which makes you feel like the Goddess you are! A SIMPLE, HEALTHY SNACK TO SHARE WITH OTHERS FOR OUR MOON-COMMUNION *After the Re-Wombing Retreat, Marcie offers a special, Goddess Gift to you: Free, 20 minute WILD WOMEN OF WISDOM RuneQuest Reading to Weave the Healing Future. Skype, Zoom or Telephone Time: 4pm-8pm Cost: $50 . Marcie is a visionary priestess in uncompromising devotion to serving Mother Earth. She offers 77 years of experience in co-creation with Medicine People across the planet. She is an environmental activist, ritualist, myth-carrier and an award-winning writer, filmmaker, master storyteller and celebration artist. She assists you in drawing your ancestral heritage and healing lineage forward into cutting-edge practices for the present, and guidance for the future. Marcie brings forth the Northern Tradition oracle of Rune Reading to highlight Women’s Ways of Seeing. Learn more about Marcie and Book a RuneQuest session: Text Only: 970-209-6705