May you follow the thread which guides you from the time Before Time. May you meet Sisters of Grace and Brothers of Mercy all along the way.
May you be beautiful in your sorrow, Wise in your longings, Merciful in your self- counsel and Valiant in the most quiet, unseen acts of kindness.
May you never meet the darkest Creatures of the Self, and when you do--may you forgive and embrace them as fellow travelers, teachers and guides.
May you winter better and more robustly each year. May the Spring thaws crack your heart open to the Green arising World. May you raise a tree, a flower, a trickling spring wherever you cast your loving eyes toward Earth.
May you carry your burdens as blessings, Your pain as praise, Your power as prayers.
May you honor the plate made ready, the place at the table the communion celebration generously prepared. And, may you let yourself be served from the Grail of Gratitude by those who love you so well.