Creating Cultural Recognition, Celebration & Community Animation Programs for Restorative Justice, Environmental Advocacy, Visionary Change & Cultural Recognition --Residencies, Consultation, Workshops
Earth Wisdom Institute - Celebrating Community, Earth Advocacy, Ecopsychology, Visionary Leadership, Collaboration and Innovation. Programs for all Community Arts, Mentorship, Cultural Diversity, Mediation, Celebration and Communication.
Community Animation/Deep Ecology/Peace Building Education Workshops The Mystery School for the practice of group Ceremony, Celebration, Rites of Passage for Women and Men
The GLAMOURY PRACTICES of Northern European Women's Ways of Seeing, Intuitive Healing and Guidance
The PATH OF THE PRIESTESS in Ancient Plant Medicine Healing, Native Spirit of Plant Communication through the Guidance of Green World Spiritual Practices Individual/group studies and experiential programs in Earth Activism, traditionally transmitted indigenous European healing practices and Animism Apprenticeships
The International Secular Ministry and Pastoral Guidance Program
In service to Earth-Honoring advocacy and Eco-Social-Environmental Justice & Healing since 1976 ~ Professional Member of the Association for the Study of Women & Mythology ~ You can also visit us at:
Marcie Telander Welcomes you to...
Earth Wisdom Institute
~ Where Ancient Wisdom and Contemporary Knowledge Unite!
~ Come Home to your individual and Community Healing
~ Reclaim Native Spirit, No matter what your Heritage.
"Marcie Telander is a powerful and caring voice for her people and the planet." -- Beth Harris, naturalist, wildlife photographer
Those who create -- children, art, and political change, those who develop community advocacy and Earth activism must be Fierce, Wise and Protective!
"Marcie Telander is the one who can see through the door of Myth. The one who fiercely holds to her truth. The one who embodies herself and the goddess as one -- for there is no time now, but all-time. We are Earth Warriors." Kitzia Kokopelmana, Exec. Director of Luz Holistica Botanical and Buena Fortuna Permaculture Gardens - Paisajista, Alquimista, Culinaria, Tropic of Cancer, Baja, Mexico
"I want to thank you! You carry celebration events with grace, purpose and love. You shape our community ethos with care. You do remarkable work and we are fortunate that you call Crested Butte your home." Caroline McLean, photographer & yoga instructor
International Secular Ministry
Join us and become a Minister of Earth Justice, Sacred Arts, Sciences and Advocacy.
You will be mentored and supported by International Business Guides, Teachers, Counselors, Chaplains,Pastoral Earth Wisdom Practitioners. Celebrate the Sacred in the Secular and in Arts, Science and Business
Experience the power of two 5-night and 4-day Intensive Seminary Retreats and one 10-night, 9-day Retreat in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and Baja Mexico offer you Certification in the International Order of Earth Wisdom/Puente Ministers, Pastoral Guides and Chaplains.
AIFE Cover Story of Novemeber 2016 celebrates Marcie Telander, Founding Director and Creator and the Powerful Women of VINOTOK, COMMUNITY HERITAGE AND TRANSFORMATION EVENTS . You can order this exquisite magazine which celebrates the Goddess Within Us All. View exquisite photos and read about the Earth Wisdom Mystery School Earth Advocates, Celebrants, Community Animators who, for the last 39 years, have re-created this Autumn Festival Week of soulful activism, Wilderness and Indigenous Spirit support. Join us through the Mystery School (see tab) to enter our Secular Ministry and Community Animation Practitioners Programs and Retreats. To order:
COMMUNITY ANIMATION, COLLECTIVE ECOPSYCHOLOGY, DEEP ECOLOGY PRACTICES Enrich, Enliven, Entertain and Elevate your community's character and unique Expression. Bring your group, organization, neighborhood, town into the Earth Wisdom Institute Community Animation and Celebration process.
Discover your Sense of Place, Spirit of Shared Mission and rich forms of communication between generations, affinity groups and cultures already alive, well and waiting to be brought to a more vibrant life expression.
Join Marcie for a joyous and transformational TEDxTalk and the story of her 40 years, founding and developing COMMUNITY ANIMATION AND CELEBRATION.
I would be honored if you choose to watch this vibrant and image-rich TEDx Talk which draws you into a Magical and Mythical reality of Communal and Environmental Healing: For direct access please go to--
"This TEDxTalk is from a wonder-full woman I am glad to know. Marcie Telander's family-community is one of my favorite places on the planet. From a physical point of view, it is stunningly beautiful there, but the real beauty of Crested Butte lies in the spirit and fierce protection its people share for their community." - Beth Harris, naturalist and wildlife photographer. ~
"I so enjoyed Marcie's TEDx Talk for its insight into our human connectivity and the joy it can bring. Good work! ~ Jim Loveridge, Financial expert and community theatre artist ~ "Thanks for sharing this TEDx Talk. It reaffirms fo me something I came to realize as I grew older, that 'place' is a verb--a making woven from memory and vision and perpetuated by the stories we inherit, add to and pass on." ~Nicole Spenser ~ "Marcie...nice soul work! Conceptualizing and then articulating to action the essence of community spirit seems possible only to those capable of discerning Life in and around us. Very compelling lecture on community life and the map of myth. Growing where we are replanted as seeds blown in the wind of fate is a beautiful thing." ~ Greg Hankins, CEO/Owner Synergy Therapies and Synergy Solutions ~ "This work is so important to maintain the unique celebrations that bond us as a community, bond us to our history, and bond us to our connection to this land, this ecosystem and honoring our place in it. So few communities today understand nor respect their interdependence on the land and what it provides to sustain us and the elements of place we value and how we have to sustain and honor it in return for that sacred balance. (Through the celebrations Marcie has created) we share how rare, unique and special we are in these ways~and it's one of those understated reasons--operating in the background-- that make this place what so many of us are drawn to and call "home." It's something we feel as soon as we arrive, and the spirit of Vinotok, our Harvest Heritage Festival brings us back to that connection, that relationship, as we take in all that we've been given through the spring and summer, and prepare to harvest and rest. It's so essential that we continue to pay tribute and be present in this way ~ to maintain the sweet spirit of this rare gem of a "home." ~ Ann Auben Gibson, Exec. Director of Adventure Wellness, Nutrition Specialist, Guide, Life Coach
~ For the past 40 years I have offered consultations & on-site guidance to communities, businesses and groups in developing the experiential process of co-creating Earth-honoring programs--in their own home towns.
Through Community Animation programs we can:
**Practice ecopsychology, transpersonal healing, narrative and living theatre therapies, environmental awareness and advocacy
**more safely process social and environmental concerns through existing local arts & traditions. **enhance positive community identity, bridging cultural, generational and ideological differences through the power of personal story- sharing events. **create mentorship by identifying and celebrating local living artists, culture and heritage. **re-animate and enliven our relationship with the powerful & sacred spirit of place in local sites & locations in nature **share multi-cultural, seasonal festivities of transformation and regeneration. **release negative societal stories and create a renewed and healing communal mythology for all ages to share.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in New Mexico, an internationally Registered Expressive Arts Therapist and an elder of the ecopsychology and eco-justice movements. I am a nationally-known storyteller, ritualist and interdisciplinary arts theapist and consultant. I have been privileged to create Earth-awareness celebrations and community animation events across the country, Mexico and Europe based on the oral narratives, myths and legends of the places and people of all ages who live there.
In 1985, I created VINOTOK with the Elders and community members of my hometown, Crested Butte, CO. This is Crested Butte's annual heritage festival and storytelling celebration. It was designed as a safe, enlivening way to bring the disparate local mining and ranching communites together with more recent arrivals. USA TODAY named Vinotok, "One of the best small-town festivals in America." ~ Begin the Journey into the Inner Wilderness - For Individuals: I would be honored if you would join me and the Mystery School Interns for guidance and teachings in: ~Creating - Celebrating Community Animation & Seasonal Ceremonies ~Developing your own personal Integrative Medicine Healing-ways ~Becoming initiated as an Earth Wisdom Officiant, Ritual Guide & Community Animation Educator/Counselor ~Sharing in the preservation and protection of the Earth and Her delicate balance ~Practicing eco-justice & artful activism as foundations of communal healing
TESTIMONIALS FROM PARTICIPANTS: "Grandmother Marcie, I want to express my deep gratitude and love for your presence and the magical work you continue to uphold here in this valley and beyond. Thank you for being here. I am forever humbled." --Lucius Divine, Body Artist, Musician, Ritualist - Crested Butte, CO.
Toasting after officiating at the All-Community Handfasting and Wedding Feast.
Winter Labyrinth Ceremony at the East River Labyrinth. Wise Acre Retreat.
Dedicated to the Interconnection of all species.
More Info About Marcie To learn about my private psychotherapy practice and Community Animation/Arts Therapy services, Creative Life Coaching, compassionate holistic counseling for individuals, couples, children, families, groups, women in transition and men's issues please see