Dear Ones and Honored Tribe Members-
This ongoing, active and life-experiential program provides specific personal guidance and development of your own healing arts, Animistic and Shamanic Medicine.
Earth Wisdom Mysteries Internship- Levels 1 and 2 include: monthly 60-minute individual guidance and personal Life-Path phone session with Mystery Practices Guide, Marcie Telander ~phone Council Meetings (and some online assignments) which introduce a wide range of shamanic Traditional Paths with Mystery Practices Guide, Marcie Telander and other participants ~Specially-designed Life Rituals for solitary and group/community practice; ~Intuition Development and Application; ~Conductive Healing practice ~Personal Ancestral Lineage Reclaiming ~ (elective ) **Rustic Intensive Summer Retreat (from 1week-1 month) at Wise Acre in the Colorado Rocky Mtns. and more ~ADVANCED MYSTERY TRADITION and MINISTERIAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS Successful completion and proven mastery of Mystery Tradition studies offer: ~Ministerial Certification and ~Initiation as Earth Wisdom Officiant, Ritual Guide and Community Animation Educator/Practitioner |