Celebrating the Crone and the Senex ~ Rites of Passage for Women and Men Ready to Embrace their embodiments of Age, Wisdom and Power
SPRING EQUINOX IN MEXICO >For all those who wish to Celebrate each other as we step into Elderhood >March 22 to March 27, 2022 with Earth Wisdom Institute and Puente Guidance >Rejoice, release, and relax at Puente Guidance Retreat in Los Barriles, Baja Sur, Mexico
Puente is an idyllic tropical garden by the Sea of Cortez, and near a welcoming and colorful fishing community. Glamping is available in individual lotus tents with breeze-filled open decks, palapas, outdoor showers, kitchen and includes casual, communal and catered meals to feed the body and the spirit. There will be time to spend in the local communities, by the Vermillion Sea. Field trips to fabulous cuisine in a high-mountain village, and more await you!
Please join Marcie and Chris for the 9th in our collaborative series of Partnerships in Power and Peace: A Sacred Relationship in Co-Creating Ritual for Wise Women, by Men--and the Co-Creation of Ritual for Wise Men, by Women “Vulnerability is being able to admit you are good at something.” ~Maya Shankar The Rites of Croning and SenexHonoring are thousands of years old, and part of an ancient European lineage which ennobles women and men stepping into Elderhood and the realm of Wise Counsel for their communities and the Earth. In the perennial tradition, and recently reclaimed in our current times, women honor women by creating Croning Rituals for those who “now hold their Wise Blood” after MoonPause. These rites include acknowledgement celebrations and ceremonial recognition of the new and powerful state of Wise Woman and Crone in the community and the world.
There are few equivalent rites-of-passage historically available for men creating honoring ceremonies for mature males as they approach their Elder service for the people.
In acknowledgement of the importance that such rites-of-passage also hold for men, and the centuries of experience which women share—we are bringing these ancient rituals forward in collaboration for the 21st Century.
If Crone means being a Woman of age, wisdom, and power, then Senex means being a Man of maturity, fierce compassion, and accountability.
This Retreat is for anyone of any age who wishes to learn and share in how to create and celebrate meaningful ceremonies for family, group, and community members.
It is for Women over the age of 55 and Men over the age of 60 who feel the calling to enter a new and powerful form of service to the people and the planet. Marcie and Chris believe in lifting up, and bringing forward the gifts, experience and maturity of sage mentorship and wise leadership for our sacred work and our collective service.
Without the wisdom of our Elders, we cannot truly honor the past, be awakened as contemporary citizens, or become better ancestors for the future. When we are connected with our Ancestral knowledge, as well as interconnected with other species and life forms—we become the sacred activists we are meant to be!
We say: “You are needed!Be humble—but do not hide behind false humility.” We value all of your skills! Please step forward and join us if you feel you wish to learn how your Life’s Experiences, struggles, sorrows, and discoveries may richly and profoundly serve your people.
Join us if you wish to honor your community’s Spirit of Place, and support and sustain others in these times of great challenge to humanity and our environment. Nothing is too small. Everything has the power of the Sacred if it is shared with mercy, passion and intention.
A Wise Woman honors the Gentle Man and the Valiant Male
Your Guides
The CEREMONIAL PATH TEACHINGS ~ Marcie Telander is the Director of the Earth Wisdom Institute, Licensed Professional Counselor, Internationally Registered Expressive Arts Therapist and Elder of the EcoPsychology and Earth Justice movements of 45 years. She is an award-winning writer, master storyteller and TEDXTalk presenter focusing on the point where Nature Meets Nurture and we may profoundly transform our lives. As a Priestess Pastor of 50 years, Marcie guides individuals & communities in co-creating Earth honoring ceremonies which marry Ancient Wisdom and cutting-edge, contemporary knowledge. These rites of passage honor the past, create healing for the present and bring hope for the future. Marcie is from the Women’s Wisdom lineage of Seeing and Weaving Destiny, as practiced through the Northern European Tradition. She is dedicated to supporting individuals and communities in accessing Ancestral ecstatic awareness and reclaiming our true legacies of healing. Marcie is the author of the book: ACTING UP! Personal Stories as Theatre (Dramatic Publishing, Woodstock IL) a seminal guide for professionals, community organizers and a textbook for universities in intergenerational gathering and celebrating of Elders’ oral narratives and personal stories across the lifespan.
PUENTE GUIDANCE - For 40 years, Chris Mathias has been a mentor and guide for questing souls and the adventurous of spirit. Puente Guidance, with retreats in Colorado and Mexico, have been the launching point for hundreds of people’s journeys of deepening and transformation. Nat Geo has called Chris, “A unique adventurist in life.” As a dedicated explorer he believes: Life is made of arcs, pulses, and calibrations. We can spend our lives oblivious to them, yet being impacted by them, or we can align ourselves. Moments of calibration, the solstices, equinoxes, sunrises and sunsets, full and new moons, and countless others on a sub-atomic to galactic scale. These moments, and countless others like them, are not at odds with quantum mechanics and relativity. They answer to a yet undiscovered symmetry, which we are subject to and have been seeking since the dawn of consciousness.”
Please email either Marcie or Chris for further information and to answer questions about the Retreat Activities, etc. Marcie: [email protected] - Chris: [email protected]
RETREAT COSTS AND PAYMENT PLANS Please note inclusive arrival & departure dates: Arrive afternoon of March 22, Depart morning of March 27.
Please email Chris with questions about Lodging, Weather, Flight info, Transportation, etc.: [email protected]
FEES$1,600 prepaidby 2/15/2022 *Please Note: In order to maintain intimacy, there are a limited number of spaces available.
FINAL PAYMENTS DUE: By March 15th, 2022 All meals included except 1 or 2 evenings at unique restaurants, self-pay, where we will enjoy amazing local cuisine! CANCELLATION: $250 Cancellation Fee before February 27, 2022. 30% Cancellation Fee after 2/27/2022.
NOT INCLUDED: Flights to/from Los Cabos International Airport, San Jose del Cabo, Baja Sur, Mexico not included. Group Transportation to and from the Airport is available for a modest fee.
Please advise us of serious food allergies and your specific dietary wishes and we will do our best to honor these. For Payment Details, Plans and Deposits contact: Business Manager Mark: [email protected]
Payments accepted by PayPal, Venmo and checks – contact Mark for details
Puente is an Eco-Retreat and offers a range of Glamping options including individual Lotus tents. If you would like to arrange “conventional housing” i.e., rental condo or Airbnb, please check locations in Los Barriles and environs. Recommendations for nearby hotels are: Los Pescadores, or Hotel Playa Del Sol.
We are delighted to share an amazing Women’s Amazonian Medicine Retreat with Marcie and our sister, Kitzia Kokopelmana of neighboring Buena Fortuna Botanical Gardens-- which directly follows this Crone and Senex Ceremony Gathering.
Follow this link for more information about joining this powerful Women’s Earth Magic Path of the Priestess Retreat: Indiginous Medicine - Earth Wisdom Institute Please email Kitzia at [email protected] about sending you the questionnaire to find out if this program is for you. And if so, Congratulations, there are many gifts to come!!
NOTE:Retreat dates are subject to change in the event of travel or other restrictions due to the Covid Pandemic
May this calling reach your Soul and may you feel the inspiration to be part of the Transformational Group.